Ethical Panther line: 1-888-520-0570

Compliance & Ethics

The Office of University Compliance & Integrity maintains, fortifies, and continuously improves upon, the Florida International University Compliance and Ethics program in support of the University’s academic, research, and community service activities.

The goals of the Florida International University Compliance and Ethics Program are two-fold:

  • To effectively assist in the prevention and detection of conduct that is contrary to applicable law or established University policy; and
  • To proactively promote a culture of compliance within the institution that encourages ethical conduct and a commitment to compliance with laws.

Florida International University’s institutional values statement sets forth the University’s commitment to the following core values:

  • Truth — in the pursuit, generation, dissemination, and application of knowledge
  • Freedom — of thought and expression
  • Respect — for diversity and the dignity of the individual
  • Responsibility — as stewards of the environment and citizens of the world
  • Excellence — in intellectual, personal, and operational endeavors

Our individual conduct, on behalf of the University, must reflect a commitment to these institutional values in order to best serve our students, our community and the State of Florida at large. Each member of the University community should seek to enhance a culture that promotes the University’s commitment to ethical conduct, compliance with the law, and doing the right thing!

You, as an individual, can contribute by asking questions or raising concerns if you see something that you think may not be right. Speak with your immediate supervisor, instructor, or adviser first, or click on the Compliance Directory to identify responsible compliance personnel for your areas of concern. Remember, by helping to identify problems early, you not only keep them from getting bigger, you also help advance the compliance initiative and solidify its foundation.

The FIU Compliance and Ethics Program is a fluid, evolving initiative that has grown and supported many areas of the University through the years. Make your commitment to our institutional values and the Compliance and Ethics Program at FIU today. It’s the right thing to do!