Compliance Requirements Matrix
Florida International University demonstrates its commitment to compliance with laws and the ethical conduct of its academic, athletic, community, and research endeavors through the acts of its dedicated faculty, staff and students.
In furthering FIU’s vision, mission and values, the University community is guided by the principles of ethical behavior, fairness, and compliance with policies, regulations and laws that are aligned with the operational functions of the University as an employer, a State agency, and a recipient of Federal and State funds.
The University Compliance Requirements Matrix (formerly known as the University Compliance Calendar) is a compilation of applicable State and Federal laws and regulations to which the University has compliance responsibilities and reporting obligations that must be adhered to by the respective divisions, departments and units. In order to better assist the affected divisions, departments and units in fulfilling their compliance-related obligations, the matrix is comprised of the due date, the name of the related report, the division, department or unit responsible, and a brief summary of the requirement, as well as links to resources.
You should note that the referenced compliance responsibilities and reporting obligations contained in the matrix are not exhaustive and may be updated as appropriate.
Compliance Requirements Matrix Platform – *NEW*
The Office of University Compliance & Integrity launched the Compliance Requirements Matrix platform in January 2022 as the new automated system to support the reminder and verification process of compliance related obligations.